Selected Papers from 2014-2016
For full Bibliography, click HERE.
Weafer, J, D Gallo, H. de Wit (2016) Alcohol effects on encoding and consolidation of memory for emotional stimuli. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 77:86-94. PMCID: PMC4711324
Van den Berg, S.M., …H. de Wit,.. D.I. Boomsma (60 authors) (2016) Extraversion and common genetic variants: GWAS meta-analysis results from the Genetics of Personality Consortium. Behavior Genetics. 46:170-82. doi: 10.1007/s10519-015-9735-5. PMCID: PMC4751159
Miller, MA, AK Bershad, H de Wit. Drug effects on responses to emotional facial expressions: Recent findings. Behavioural Pharmacology. 26:571-9. PMCID: PMC4905685
Bershad, AK, JJ Weafer, MG Kirkpatrick, MC Wardle, MA Miller, H de Wit (2016) Oxytocin receptor gene variation predicts subjective responses to MDMA. Social Neuroscience. 17:1-8. PMID: 26787430
Bershad, AK, H de Wit. (2016) Effects of buprenorphine on responses to social stimuli in healthy adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 63:43-9. PMCID: PMC4695221
Wardle, MC, AK Bershad, H de Wit (2016) Naltrexone alters the processing of social stimuli in healthy adults. Social Neuroscience. 22:1-13. PMID: 26710657 PMCID: PMC4958027
Kirkpatrick MG, Goldenson NI, Kapadia N, Kahler CW, de Wit H, Swift RM, McGeary JE, Sussman S, Leventhal AM. (2016) Emotional traits predict individual differences in amphetamine-induced positive mood in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology. 233:89-97. PMCID: PMC4703469
Wardle, MC, BA Marcus, H de Wit (2015) A preliminary investigation of individual differences in subjective responses to d-amphetamine, alcohol, and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol using a within-subjects randomized trial. PloS One. 10:e0140501. PMCID: PMC4626040
Temple, JL, AM Ziegler, H de Wit, C Martin (2015) Caffeine effects on subjective responses are influenced by caffeine dose, sex, and pubertal stage. Journal of Caffeine Research. 5:167-175. PMCID: PMC4663646
VanderBroek, L, J Acker, AA Palmer, H de Wit, J MacKillop (2016) Interrelationships between family history of substance misuse, impulsive delay discounting, and substance use. Psychopharmacology 233:39-48. PMID: 26395990 PMCID: PMC4830143
Hanlon, EC, E Tasali, R Leproult, KL Stuhr, E Doncheck, H de Wit, CJ Hillard, E Van Cauter (2016) Sleep restriction enhances the daily rhythm of circulating levels of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Sleep. 39(3):653-664. PMCID: PMC4763355
Mayo, L, H de Wit (2016) Acquisition of conditioned responses to a novel alcohol-paired cue in social drinkers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, 317-26. PMID: 26997190
Smith, CT, J Weafer, RL Cowan, RM Kessler, AA Palmer, H de Wit, DH Zald (2016) Individual differences in timing of peak positive subjective responses to d-amphetamine: relationship to pharmacokinetics and physiology. J of Psychopharmacology, 30, 330-43. PMID: 26880226
Cavallo, J, N Ruiz, H de Wit (2016) Extinction of conditioned responses to methamphetamine-associated stimuli in healthy humans. Psychopharmacology 233, 2489-502. PMCID: PMC4909474
Weafer, J, D Gallo, H de Wit (2016) Effect of alcohol on encoding and consolidation of memory for alcohol-related images. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 40, 1540-7. PMCID: PMC4930409
Kirkpatrick, M.G. and H. de Wit (2015) MDMA: a social drug in a social context. Psychopharmacology, 232, 1155-1163. PMCID: PMC4339498
Clark, C.M., D.G. Frye, M.C. Wardle, G.J. Norman, H. de Wit (2015) Acute effects of MDMA on autonomic cardiac activity and their relation to subjective pro-social and stimulant effects. Psychophysiology, 52:429-35. PMCID: PMC4634859
Gorka, S.M., Fitzgerald, D.A., de Wit, H., & Phan, K.L. (2014) Cannabinoid modulation of amygdala subregion functional connectivity to social signals of threat. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 28, 18. PMCID: PMC4360235
Gorka, S., D. Fitzgerald, M. Angstadt, H. de Wit, K.L. Phan (2014) Opioid modulation of resting-state anterior cingulate cortex functional connectivity. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28, 1115-24 PMID: 25237122
Weafer, J., J. DeArcangelis, H. de Wit (2015) Sex differences in behavioral impulsivity in at-risk and non-risk drinkers. Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, 72. PMCID: PMC4429551
Weafer, J., S.H. Mitchell, H. de Wit (2015) Recent translational findings on impulsivity in relation to drug abuse. Current Addiction Reports, 1, 289-300. PMCID: PMC4323183
Bershad, A.K., J. H. Jaffe, E. Childs, H. de Wit (2015) Opioid partial agonist buprenorphine dampens responses to psychosocial stress in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 52, 281-8. PMCID: PMC4297554
Ballard, M.E., J. Weafer, D. Gallo, H. de Wit (2015) Methamphetamine-induced enhancement of emotional memory formation in humans: Encoding vs consolidation. PlosOne, 10. PMCID: PMC4332474
Mayo, L., H. de Wit (2015) Acquisition of responses to a methamphetamine-associated cue in healthy humans: self-report, behavioral, and psychophysiological measures. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40, 1734-41. PMID: 25601231 [PubMed - in process].
Kirkpatrick, M.G., A.W. Delton, T.E. Robertson, H. de Wit (2015) Prosocial effects of MDMA: A measure of generosity. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29, 661-8. PMID: 25735993
Bershad, A.K., M.G. Kirkpatrick, J.A. Seiden, H. de Wit (2015) Effects of acute doses of prosocial drugs methamphetamine and alcohol on plasma oxytocin levels. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 35, 308-12. PMCID: PMC4414800
Baggott, M.J., M.G. Kirkpatrick, G. Bedi, H. de Wit. (2015) Intimate insight: MDMA changes how people talk about significant others. J. Psychopharmacology, 29, 669-77. PMCID: PMC4698152
Yarosh, H.L., S.A. Meda, H. de Wit, A.B. Hart, G.D. Pearlson (2015) Multivariate analysis of subjective responses to d-amphetamine in healthy volunteers finds novel genetic pathway associations. Psychopharmacology, 2781-94. PMCID: PMC4504822
Hanlon, E.C., E. Tasali, R. Leproult, K Stuhr, E. Doncheck, H. de Wit, C.J. Hillard, E. Van Cauter (2015) Circadian rhythm of circulating levels of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 100, 200-6. PMID: 25368979
De Moor, M.H.M., … H. de Wit,… D.I. Boomsma (60 authors) (2015) Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for neuroticism, and the polygenic association with major depressive disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, 72, 642-50. PMCID: PMC4667957
Ballard, E., D. Gallo, H. de Wit (2014) Amphetamine increases errors during episodic memory retrieval. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 34, 85-92 PMC4244906
Frye, C.G., M.C. Wardle, G.J. Norman, H. de Wit (2014) MDMA decreases the effects of simulated social rejection. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 117, 1-6. PMC3910346
Weafer, J., D.Gallo, H. de Wit (2014) Amphetamine fails to alter cued recollection of emotional images: Study of encoding, retrieval, and state-dependency. Plos One 9 PMC3937372
Kirkpatrick, M.G., S. M. Francis, R. Lee, H. de Wit, S. Jacob (2014) Plasma oxytocin concentrations following MDMA or intranasal oxytocin in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 46, 23-31. PMC4088952
Childs, E., H. de Wit (2014) Regular exercise is associated with emotional resilience to acute stress in healthy adults. Frontiers in Physiology 5, 161. PMC4013452
Wardle, M., D. Fitzgerald, M. Angstadt, C. Rabinak, H. de Wit, K.L. Phan (2014) Effects of oxycodone on brain responses to emotional images. Psychopharmacology. PMID: 24800897 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Wardle, M.C., H. de Wit (2014) MDMA alters emotional processing and facilitates social interaction. Psychopharmacology. PMC4194242
Hart, A.B., E.R. Gamazon, B. E. Engelhardt, P. Sklar, C. Hultman, Pa. F. Sullivan, B. Neale, S.V. Faraone, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium: ADHD Subgroup, H. de Wit, N. J. Cox, A.A. Palmer (2014) Genetic variation associated with the euphorigenic effects of d-amphetamine is also associated with diminished risk for schizophrenia and ADHD. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 5968-73. PMC4000861
Clark, D.B., H. de Wit, W. Iacono (2014) ADHD, Impulsivity and Substance Abuse: Methods, Results and Implications. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 22, 141-3. PMC4141644
Kirkpatrick, M., R. Lee, M. Wardle, S. Jacob, H. de Wit (2014) Effects of MDMA and intranasal oxytocin on social and emotional processing. Neuropsychopharmacology. 39, 1654-63. PMC4088952
Childs, E., T.L. White, H. de Wit (2014) Personality traits modulate subjective and physiological responses to stress. Behavioural Pharmacology 25, 493-502. PMC4119514
Kirkpatrick, M.G., M.J. Baggott, J.E. Mendelson, G.P. Galloway, M.E Liechti, C.M Hysek, H. de Wit. (2014) MDMA effects consistent across controlled laboratory settings. Psychopharmacology 231, 3899–3905. PMC4161650
Weafer, J. A. Burkhardt, H. de Wit (2014) Sweet taste liking associated with impulsive behaviors in humans. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 228. PMC4060557
Weafer, J. and H. de Wit. (2014) Sex differences in impulsive action and impulsive choice. Addictive Behaviors 39, 1573-9 PMC4012004
Wardle, M.C., M.G. Kirkpatrick, H. de Wit (2014) “Ecstasy” as a social drug: MDMA preferentially affects responses to emotional stimuli with social content. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9, 1076-81. PMCID: PMC4127030
Bedi, G, G. Cecchi, D.F. Slezak, F. Carrillo, M. Sigma, H. de Wit (2014) A window into the intoxicated mind: Speech as an index of psychoactive drug effects. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39, 2340-8. PMCID: PMC4138742